Online Safety
In today's world the internet and associated technologies are a great opportunity for research, communication and a source of inspiration. It connects people and allows us to share information in a completely unlimited way. However unfortunately it can bring dangers and trouble if used inappropriately.
At Maricourt we are committed to helping our young people stay safe online and also be responsible in their use of online technology. Along with a staff online policy, the pupils themselves created their own online safety policy which includes rules and responsibilities that they should follow. All pupils and staff undertake an annual online safety training course All parents encouraged to keep up to date with the technology that children are using in order that the whole Maricourt community is involved with protecting our young people and being aware of how to use new technologies that our young people are involved with everyday.
In school pupils are taught about the appropriate use of technologies in PSHE and ICT as well as receiving CEOP training and taking part in activities such as Internet safety days. However as adults we too need some advice on how best to manage our young people's actions and their online behaviour. Below you will find useful resources to help you if you encounter an issue, or you are simply interested in technology your child may be using. There is general guidance and useful links to some excellent resources and there are more specific links to the most popular apps or software our young people are currently using.
Our advice is that the online world is an amazing resource for all as long as it is used in a responsible manner. Both parents and pupils need to understand that responsible use of apps and the internet in general is an expectation that the school has. Our young people need to be educated in using this technology in an appropriate manner and the risks that are involved with using it. Try to learn what technology your child is using and familiarise yourself with it in order to help them manage their use of it. Please check what apps/technology your child is using to see if it is appropriate and they are of the correct age to be using it. We also advise that you are aware of how they are communicating online and who with.
Of course if there is a specific question or issue you have you can contact the school or speak to the relevant Head of Year or contact Mr Marsh as the schools Online safety co-ordinator.
#OnlineSafetyAtHome resources are now available with new activities for parents and carers to use at home!
About - UK Safer Internet Centre
Useful Links
Supporting young people online
You may find the following link useful for videos that discuss many different factors of online safety.
Follow this link for some resources that may be useful for starting discussions about social media use and trust in online content.
This link will take you to the BBC bitesize page with support videos regarding fake news and social media
SEND Toolkit for parents (to help during lock down).