What is the DofE?
A life-changing experience. A fun time with friends. An opportunity to discover new interests and talents. A tool to develop essential skills for life and work. A recognised mark of achievement; respected by employers and universities.
Top employers recognise the work-ready skills Award holders bring to their business
All 14-24 year olds can do a DofE programme at one of three progressive levels which, when successfully completed, lead to a Bronze, Silver or Gold Duke of Edinburgh’s Award.
There are four sections to complete at Bronze and Silver level and five at Gold. They involve helping the community/environment,
becoming fitter, developing new skills, planning, training for and completing an expedition and, for Gold only, working with a team on a residential activity.
Any young person can do their DofE – regardless of ability, gender, background or location. Achieving an Award isn’t a competition or about being first. It’s all about setting personal challenges and pushing personal boundaries.
Through a DofE programme young people have fun, make friends, improve their self-esteem and build confidence. They gain essential skills and attributes for work and life such as resilience, problem-solving, team-working, communication and drive, enhancing CVs and university and job applications.
D of E at Maricourt
At Maricourt we offer DofE at all three levels, starting with Bronze in Y10, Silver in Y11 and Gold in Sixth Form. Students complete their volunteering, skill and physical sections both in the community and through other extra curricular activities offered at Maricourt.
For the expedition section students start locally in Lancashire for Bronze, moving on to the lower areas of the Yorkshire Dales and the Lake District national parks for Silver and during Gold travel through wild country and mountainous areas of the national parks. While they are supervised by staff, student groups are completely self sufficient, carrying everything they need and are responsible for their own navigation, cooking and tents.
Gold candidates also undertake a residential section, spending 5 days with new people to complete a shared activity of anything from photography to conservation projects.
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