Year 9 Options Process



Year 9 Options Letter 2025


This academic year option/information evenings will return face to face, we look forward to welcoming you back to Maricourt.

Key Dates

  • Year 9 Options/Information evening 25th February, 5pm-7pm

Year 9 Options Process


  1. In the first instance all students should view the options process powerpoint presentation.
  2. See a detailed breakdown of each subject including Course Content, Assessment and progression opportunities, in the Options Booklet

In order to help you make good choices we have put together a virtual resource, so you can gain an insight into each subject area from the comfort of your own home. Each subject has put together a video for you to hear more about what each subject has to offer. Watch them all and this should help you make an informed decision. Don't forget to speak to subject teachers to ask any further questions you may have. (Year 9 Parents evening is 18th March). You may also want to speak Mrs Grant our Independent Careers Advisor who is in school every Wednesday and Thursday, just call in the Careers Resource Centre, or speak to the Careers Leader (Mrs Wood) or your form tutor.

Subject Videos

(Please click links to see subject videos)

Compulsory subjects
Optional Subjects

Please complete your options form here.

Blue Pathway Pupils

Green Pathway Pupils

Yellow pathway Pupils


If you are interested in joining The Maricourt Sixth Form Centre, you can view our virtual subject information resource, and explore the reasons why you should experience the next part of your educational journey with us, by clicking here.