Examination Results


There have been significant developments in school recently with an Ofsted judgement of GOOD in all areas in July 2022 and our new headteacher joining us in January 2023. The school is in an exciting stage of development as we continue to build on successes.

We have significant numbers of our students going on to Russell group universities and continue to increase the percentage going into sustained education, employment or training post 16. (96%)

The school has been recognised as a beacon of pupil and staff wellbeing (national Times Education Awards winners 2022 and Highly Commended 2023) and 2023 sees us shortlisted for the ‘Most Inspirational Secondary School’, the ‘Communication Award’ and the ‘Community Partnership Award’ at the Educate magazine awards.

We congratulate our students who have gained wonderful exam results whilst also referring you to the statement below from the government Department of Education:


Performance measures based on qualification results from 2022/23 cannot be directly compared to measures from 2021/22. This is because a different grading approach was used in 2021/22, to take account of the impact of the pandemic.

In 2022/23 there was a return to pre-pandemic standards for GCSEs, AS and A levels, with protection built into the grading process to recognise the disruption that students have faced. For VTQs that are taken alongside, or instead, of GCSEs and A levels, there was also a return to pre-pandemic standards in 2022/23. For many students, results from 2021/22 adapted assessments were used towards qualifications in 2022/23.

There are also other factors affecting 2022/23 performance measures, following the COVID-19 pandemic, which should be considered when using secondary performance measures. These include the ongoing uneven impacts of the pandemic on different schools/ colleges and pupils.

Performance data should be considered alongside a range of other information about the school or college, which could include looking at school or college websites, reading Ofsted reports, and speaking to the school or college directly. Conclusions should not be drawn on a single piece of data alone.


2023 Provisional Exam Results


2023 Key Stage 4 Headline Measures


Progress 8 score


Attainment 8 score


Percentage of pupils achieving grade 5 or above in English and maths


Percentage of pupils entering for the English Baccalaureate


Average EBacc APS score per pupil


Pupils staying in education or employment for at least 2 terms after key stage 4 (2021 leavers)



2023 Key Stage 5 Headline Measures


The progress your students have made compared with students across the country


Average grade at KS5

A levels 23.49 (D+)

Academic qualifications 23.57 (D+)

Applied general qualifications 28.82 (M+)

Tech level qualifications 45.96 (Dist*-)


Average progress in re-sit English and maths (1 = One grade)

English 1.0

Maths 0.45


Link to School Performance Tables



Our Students go on to a wide variety of destinations. Our alumni page will give you a wider insight into the education and career journeys of our past pupils.

Maricourt Alumni