Curriculum Intent
Our curriculum intent has its foundation in a clear moral code inspired by Gospel Values, enabling the individual young person to ‘have life and have it to the full’. (John 10:10), to come to know God and fulfil His call to serve others in the service of the common good.
"Subject leaders have thought carefully about the knowledge that pupils should learn. Leaders have also considered the order in which to teach essential information. Subject curriculums are carefully organised. Teachers ensure that pupils revisit their learning regularly. Teachers give pupils opportunities for them to practise and build on what they already know. This helps pupils to remember the curriculum. Many teachers have a detailed knowledge of their curriculum subjects. They use their subject expertise skillfully to help pupils remember and apply their learning. Teaching staff provide effective support to pupils in lessons. This helps pupils move on to new learning confidently and successfully". Ofsted 2022
- our curriculum incorporates the aims and ambition of the National Curriculum
- whilst set out in clear plans, our curriculum is ever-evolving, responding to gaps in pupils’ learning to ensure the building blocks of future learning and success remain in place. This is particularly relevant as we respond to the Covid 19 pandemic.
- our curriculum at KS3 spans three years and includes every subject in the National Curriculum
- our curriculum at KS4 has an academic core of EBAC subjects and wide range of option subjects
- our curriculum is sequenced and developmental, building each term on prior knowledge thus ensuring pupils become increasingly fluent and knowledgeable in every subject domain
- our curriculum includes opportunities for the development of pupils’ cultural and spiritual capital through an extensive programme of extra-curricular activities, visits and trips both locally and globally
- where necessary, our curriculum is adapted, remaining ambitious, to meet the needs of SEND pupils
- our curriculum plans include clear end points in each subject which identify the standard expected
- our curriculum is broad and balanced, offering a wide range of subjects, preparing pupils for the next stage in their education or training and to be active citizens both in Britain and globally
- our curriculum develops pupils’ spoken language, reading, writing and subject-specific vocabulary
- our curriculum plans include relevant subject pedagogies and meta-cognitive strategies alongside learning outcomes
- assessment is used throughout the curriculum to identify gaps in key knowledge and skills
If you require further information about our curriculum, please contact the relevant subject leader or Mrs Higgins, Assistant Headteacher. (
Promotion of British Values Policy
Reporting Domains of Key Knowledge and Skills
Autumn 2023
Year 7 Autumn report booklet.pdf
Year 8 Autumn report booklet.pdf
Year 9 Autumn reportbooklet.pdf
Year 10 Autumn report booklet.pdf
Year 12 Autumn report booklet.pdf