Uniform and Equipment
Our traditional and distinctive uniform is easily recognisable throughout Merseyside and Sefton. We believe that encouraging students to take pride in their uniform is an important step to taking pride in their education and their school.
Our high uniform standards reflect the high standards we have for all aspects of school life and prepares our students for the competitive world of work after education.
Boys’ Uniform
Blazer: Maricourt blazer with crest
Trousers: Charcoal/Black formal trousers
Shirt: White short/long sleeved shirt always tucked in
Tie: Maricourt tie worn full length
Year 7 clip on tie
Jumper: Maricourt jumper with crest (optional)
Socks: Black or grey socks
Girls’ uniform
Blazer: Maricourt blazer with crest
Skirt: Maricourt maroon skirt. Year 7-8 with pleats, Year 9-11 without pleats(or Charcoal/black formal trousers)
Shirt: White short/long sleeved shirt always tucked in
Tie: Maricourt tie worn full length
Year 7 clip on tie
Jumper: Maricourt jumper with crest (optional)
Socks: White or grey mid/knee length socks
We are proud to have so many students represent Sefton, Merseyside or National level school teams. Students may be permitted to wear their regional tie in place of their Maricourt tie
Footwear & Coats
Shoes should be formal, plain black and polishable. Formal-style, plain black kickers are permitted.
Girls’ shoes should not have large bows.
Trainers, pumps, boots or any shoes with visible logos or accessories are not permitted. This includes no canvas or variation of fabric.
*Pupils can wear trainers at lunch time. However, failure to change back into school shoes, will result in this option being removed.
Smart coats of any colour can be worn.
Hoodies, Denim, leather or fur coats aren’t permitted.
Coats MUST be worn in addition to the school blazer
Jewellery is not permitted. This includes: rings, earrings, necklaces and bracelets or any other piercings.
Make-up, nail varnish are not permitted.-(Lip gloss, false eyelashes, mascara, heavy foundation and contouring) is not permitted. • Nail varnish, Shallac and false nails are not permitted.
Hair should be smartly styled and kept out of eyes. Bows and clips should be modest in size and design
Non-natural hair colours are not permitted
All students are required to have a school bag each day which can fit an A4 book in.
Students are required to bring a pen, pencil, ruler, sharpener, rubber and calculator to school each day.
PE Kits
Shorts: Black Maricourt shorts with crest
Top: Maroon Maricourt T Shirt with crest
Socks: Black football socks
Shoes: Trainers/sports shoes
*Football boots when needed
Optional Extras
1/4 zip Maricourt top with crest
Black skinny tracksuit bottoms
Boys Outdoor Extras
Extras: Shin pads (Football), Gum shield (Rugby), skins (base layer)
Currently our uniform is available at:
Kids Kirby, 29 St. Chad's Parade, Kirkby
Pauls Place Bootle have a supply of our school uniform
Premier Sports and Schoolwear, 33 Aughton Street, Ormskirk, L39 3BH
Whittakers Schoolwear, 35 London Street, Southport.
Both suppliers have a website to make shopping convenient.
Trousers and shirts can be purchased in all major supermarkets and high street stores.
There is a supply of second hand uniform available in school, please contact the school office if you require this.
*School jumpers are optional. Blazers are compulsory.