Curriculum Overview


We offer a wide choice of A level and Vocational subjects, these are all taught by staff with a high level of expertise in their area. Vocational subjects also offer a double option for those students who have a real passion to dedicate their studies to a particular pathway.

The tailored support during induction and transition enables for a successful progression into Higher Education, employment or training.

Each subject has a planned personal development scheme which incorporates learning opportunities both, in and outside the classroom. This includes employer engagement, University visits, industry days, trips, as well as competing at local and national level in Mathematics and Computing competitions.

Science, Physical Education and Health and Social Care run a programme of study which supports students who wish to pursue a career in the medical and healthcare professions.

Our subject offer is inclusive and tailored to support all types of level 3 learners.

The wide range of courses on offer includes STEM, Humanities, Arts, Business, Social Sciences, Sport and English based subjects.

Students are required to choose 3 options, the full list of courses and individual subject information is available on the school website.

"I chose to stay on at The Maricourt Sixth Form Centre, as I knew I would have excellent teachers in my chosen subjects, as well as small class sizes which would offer lots of support. I loved the idea of Oxford University, but never imagined someone like me could get there. Thankfully, my further maths teacher saw my potential and encouraged me to. Thanks to a lot of hard work from myself, and a lot of support and encouragement from my school, I received a place at the best university in the world." - Alice 2020
"Teachers of vocational courses are skilled at helping pupils to achieve well. They provide students with the individual support that is required for them to excel and achieve well." - Ofsted


What courses can I do?

Please find subject information sheet below.


Curriculum Overview

Year 12 Curriculum overview can be found here

Year 13 Curriculum overview can be found here