Welcome to the Maricourt Chaplaincy

My name is Julia Ashes and I am the chaplain here in Maricourt. Before coming to Maricourt as chaplain, I worked as a youth worker for the Church, a retreat worker and an RE teacher in a large comprehensive school in the Archdiocese. I am humbled and privileged to take the baton from Ken, the previous Chaplain and I’m thoroughly enjoying being part of such a warm and vibrant community.


What chaplaincy is about…

In the school, I am responsible for working with others to ensure that the Catholic mission and ethos of the school becomes a reality - living and evolving and not just a written statement. The values we strive to live by every day are at the heart of our Mission:

‘Our Maricourt family , with Christ at the centre is a community of welcome, compassion and respect in which we are encouraged to discover our true purpose and be empowered to achieve the extraordinary so as to be the change we want to see in the world’

Each aspect of the Mission statement is an invitation to growth - spiritual, personal, academic, emotional and social. As Chaplain my role is to support the faith journey of each and every young person as a unique child of God.

I enjoy leading young people and staff in worship especially at important times of the year like Christmas and Easter and I provide daily resources for Collective Worship in Form times too.

We belong to the Sefton inland Deanery and the links between school and parish are strengthened during significant times like Confirmation Preparation and the preparations for the Archdiocesan Youth Pilgrimage for which we have a group of sixth formers who attend.

An essential part of Chaplaincy is supporting the RE department. As part of preparations for receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation pupils will have an assembly lead by the Animate Youth team. time in the Chapel reflecting upon the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit, alongside the preparation sessions in their home parishes led by parish priests and volunteer Catechists. Pupils will also be welcomed into the Chapel during Advent and Lent in order to prepare spiritually for their whole school liturgies at this time


Just as it is for young people, this time of life can be a roller-coaster for their families too! I try to work alongside them and make sure that their child is supported in every way possible. To do this, I work closely with the Senior Leadership Team, Progress Leaders, pastoral staff, teachers and learning mentors. I welcome parents/carers whenever appropriate to Chaplaincy events – I was delighted to see so many at our Year 7 Welcome Mass at St George’s Catholic Church recently and I look forward to welcoming parents/carers to our Youth Mass there at the 11.30am Mass on 26th November

Our staff

We have an incredible staff in Maricourt and we are proud to call ourselves a family. I believe that teaching is one of the most important vocations in our society today and chaplaincy aims to support all our staff, whatever their capacity, as they seek to help our students realise their full potential. That is why my ministry is to them also; I offer weekly prayer in Newman Chapel alongside advice, guidance and prayer as we journey through the academic year together.